411 University St, Seattle, USA
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Coordination Council
Coordination Council
Artem Honcharenko
[President of the Foundation]
Stanko Andrew
[ public figure ]
Natalia Svereda
[Head of Eurodec]
Artem Miroshnichenko
[co-founder of the NGO Anti-Corruption Platform "Country without Corruption"]
Vasylenko-Terekhova Olena
[Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor]
Dotsenko Tatiana
[Assistant of the Department of Slavic Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University]
Katerinchuk Katerina
[Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Public and Private Law]
Kopotun Igor
[Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine]
Pobuzhanska Angela
[Chairman of the Council of Families]
Stolboviy Victor
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Tsvirkun Nicholas
[head of ATMAA NGO]
Andriy Rabchuk
[Expert All-Ukrainian Operational Election Committee]
Kalashnikov Natalia
[Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Expert of the Council of Europe]
Alexander Teplyuk
[Chairman of the Association of Education and Science]
Vitalii Zavalniuk
[Representative of the National Institute of Regional Development]
Grzegorz Siembab
[employee of the banking sector (Poland)]
Rybalko Roman
[ ІТ експерт ]
Bezubov Dmitry
[Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department]
Volsky Yaroslav
[Co-founder of Eco Forest Energy LLC]
Zolotareva Maria
[Candidate of Law, Lawyer]
Klimenko Maxim
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Leonenko Maxim
[Candidate of Law, Professor, Lawyer]
Pritula Alexander
[Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Founder of the All-Ukrainian Federation of SPAS]
Taranenko Rustam
[President of the Ukrainian Association of Art Therapy]
Sergey Shaparenko
[Candidate of Law, Co-Founder of the NGO Anti-Corruption Platform "Country without Corruption"]
Mykhailo Anishchenko
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Kolomoyets Serhiy
Roman Gamotsky
[ITTA Vice President]
Alexei Kuznietsov
[US opera singer]
Yaroslav Pivtorak
[deputy of the local council]
Пєтков Сергій
[ доктор юридичних наук, професор ]
Vyacheslav Butkalyuk
[Editor-in-Chief of Obozrevatel TV]
Aliyev Roman
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Bila Inessa
[President of Golden Time Talent]
Galaburda Nadiya
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Znamenskaya Margarita
[Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Artist]
Koverzneva Anna
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Painted Nicholas
[Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor]
Ramazanova Ulyana
[Candidate of Law, Head of the Center for Innovative Technologies and Leadership]
Tansky George
Shiryaev Vladimir
[Chairman of the Board of the NGO "CLUB" BABYLON "and NGO" WIDE STEPPE "]
Bochelyuk Vitaly
[Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine]
Tatiana Kuznetsova
[AGGR University Expert]
Dovgan Andrew
Igor Kulakov
[PR specialist]
Андрієнко Сергій
[ режисер, сценаріст ]
Andrienko Sergey
[Doctor of Law, Professor]
Heinrich Matuhno
[Chairman of the Board of the NGO "Agency for Democratic Initiatives"]
Ilyashko Alexander
[Candidate of Law, Director of Research Legal Support and Security]
Kolomoyets Alexander
[Candidate of Law, Expert]
Petkov Valeriy
[Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine]
Sedykh Yuriy
[President of Ukraine-Bulgaria, Ambassador of Peace]
Hrypko Serhiy
[doctor of technical sciences, professor]
Gordienko Elena
Skakun Julia
[Candidate of Law, Associate Professor]
Hovpun Alexey
[Doctor of Law, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute for the Humanities]